Register for freiFEST23 by clicking here
Friday – Sunday, July 28 – 30, 2023
A celebration of personal freedom in nature together as a community
· Listen to live music · Dance the night away · Watch the firework show · Connect at the bonfire · Break the mental chains at the Freedom burn · Enjoy songs around campfire · Inspire and be inspired by stories of personal freedom · Make memories with old and new friends ·
FAQ about freiFEST23
What is FreiDay?
FreiDay is a designated day to celebrate personal freedom and honor the courage and sacrifices it takes to live a life of personal choice and individuality. FreiDay is to be celebrated Frei-ly in whichever way is meaningful to us personally. There are no mandatory rules, rituals, or minhagim.
While we’re Frei every day, the official FreiDay is the the last Friday in July.
What is freiFEST?
freiFEST is the Freidom Festival where we celebrate personal freedom surrounded by nature over an entire weekend. freiFEST begins on FreiDay, which is always the last Friday of July.
Why is FreiDay always the last Friday of July?
FreiDay being the last Friday in July is a nod to Baruch Spinoza, the Dutch Philosopher. Spinoza is the first documented Orthodox Jew to become Frei, rather than convert to another religion. Spinoza believed in realism, rationalism and that God and nature are one and the same (Pantheism). Faced with community shunning (Cherem), Spinoza stayed true to his beliefs and chose individuality over conformity. On July 27, 1656, at the age of 23, Spinoza was excommunicated by his community, thus gaining his ultimate freedom from the yoke of Orthodoxy. FreiDay is linked to the date Spinoza achieved his personal freedom, a day of celebrating freedom of personal choice and thought.